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A Dynamic Motion Planning System of Fabric


Letian Li, The University of Hong Kong


Kazuhiro Kosuge


Fabric dynamic motion planning is challenging. Fabric motion and its are affected by many hard-to-estimate factors in the environment, resulting in fabric dynamic motion that cannot be modeled accurately. In the proposed system, we roughly approximate the fabric state based on the segmented fabric point cloud. The fabric motion is then represented by a time series of the approximated state. Then a neural new type of neural network system is proposed to model the fabric motion using the approximated state. A simple trajectory planning method is designed to plan a robot endpoint trajectory that connects the start point and the goal point without collision between the fabric attached to the robot end-effector and the obstacle. The effectiveness of the proposed system is demonstrated in collision avoidance experiments under different obstacle settings.

Speaker Bio

Letian Li received the B. Eng. degree in detection, guidance, and control technology and the M. Eng. degree in instrumentation science and technology from the School of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China, in 2019 and 2022, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in robotics with JC STEM Lab of Robotics for Soft Materials, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. He is engaged in collaborative research with the Centre for Transformative Garment Production, Hong Kong SAR. His research interests include motion planning and learning.

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